America – United We Stand – Divided We Fall. I’m sure you have all heard that statement a few times in your lifetime.
Ask yourself- who benefits from a weak and fallen America?
We are at war folks. Plain and simple.
Civil War? – Yes
World War? – Yes
Bio-War? – Yes
Cyber-War? – Yes Most definitely
Silent-War? – Not anymore!
However…this 2020 election is FAR from over. The Fat Lady hasn’t sung yet, and I doubt she ever will relating to our 2020 POTUS Trump.
That there are two Americas has never seemed more obvious. Each group has constructed its own view or perception of reality — of good & evil, right and wrong, political beliefs, faith & spirituality, of this election infection plandemic and so much more.
Do I think the Chinese Corona Virus is real? Yes. Do I think it was an evil communist Chinese, man-made bio-warfare tactic designed to depopulate and destroy a great nation, its booming economy and about to go through a very contentious Presidential election? Hell YES!
Quote: “Since when does the Lamestream Media call who our next president will be? We have all learned a lot in the last two weeks!” POTUS Trump
Lamestream News has no more right or authority to call an election than you or I or the man on the moon. 🌙 IF you believe what they spew than you are just a part of the sheeple herd growing bigger and bigger each day. Enjoy your pathetic socialist shepherd leader. 🐑 🐑
Wake Up America! Educate yourselves and your families. Realize what is happening right before your very eyes. We are eye witnessing the biggest and most corrupt attempt at a coup de ta the new world has ever seen. We are very close to losing our Republic and we MUST Stand now and fight! ⚔️🛡
Our POTUS will not go down without a fight. He WILL NOT concede. This election was stolen from We The People. We will prevail but we need your help! Or we lose our democracy. Our Great Republic.
Do something. Call your Senator, Congressman, Supreme Court Justices. Sign petitions. Donate to the Trump Legal Fund or to the outstanding Senate/Congress runoff elections. Join a local Patriot Group community such as Oath Keepers or 3%ers. Attend Peaceful Trump Rallys and Prayer Vigils in support of our POTUS. Educate yourselves. Research or #StopTheSteal and many other support organizations standing up and fighting this voter integrity corruption. STOP watching lamestream news outlets. Check out OAN or Newsmax or other online journalists that speak truth.
Trump’s legacy won’t be easily reversed. He’s entrenched a solid conservative patriot majority on the Supreme Court strategically timed before the election in preparation for what is to come and he also totally re-shaped the federal judiciary. Thank GOD for that!
Trump also has built a large majority of the southern border wall to help protect Americans and secure our borders from the illegal alien invasions, the drugs, the cartels and gun smuggling. We are better for it.
For the first time, most Americans — more than 100 million — voted early, by mail or otherwise. All part of a very construed evil plan hidden behind a world-wide plandemic to manipulate the ballot. It’s backfiring on them now. Wait and Watch!
Fraud and corruption is rampant in Detroit, Michigan, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Phoenix, Arizona, Lost Vegas, Nevada, and many other city/states reporting irregularities throughout out nation. Poll watchers and ballot watchers were forced to leave the ballot counting locations in many locations requiring reverse court orders, which took well over 24 hours to complete. Protestors are demanding an end to the vote count. In less than 22 hours before the Michigan count was shut down by a court order, a Facebook group called “Stop the Steal” attracted more than 320,000 followers before the Facebook Censor gods took it down. There are now organized rallies taking place at every state Capitol and county courthouse throughout the country. Get to them!
Nothing will stop what is coming! #WeAreTheStorm 🌪
Please continue praying for the truth to prevail and seek God’s face and ask for Grace and Mercy over our great Republic. Regardless what happens here, our 👑King of Kings and Lord of Lords is STILL on the Throne forever more. And we know who wins this fight in the end. ALL glory to God. ✝️🛐
Oh what a Christmas🌲we will have.
The Horsewhisperer
Oath Keepers
Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center ( ) introduces Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates ( ) Mr. Shaw speaks on the UN cancer destroying the United States from within called Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. Whether called Sustainable Development, Comprehensive Planning, Smart Growth, Sustainable Communities, Growth Management, Community Planning, Visioning, 2020 or similar names. These programs were birthed out of the United Nations with sinister goals being implemented nation-wide intended to take our property rights and the freedoms that are associated.
The environmental movement was hijacked several decades ago by globalists with "saving the ecosystem" as their MO and catalyst for achieving their goal. Please share with your family, friends, local government officials, school board members, and the like as the vast majority have absolutely no idea the hidden motives. A spotlight needs to illuminate this UN initiative for global ...
Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center ( ) introduces Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates ( ) Mr. Shaw speaks on the UN cancer destroying the United States from within called Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. Whether called Sustainable Development, Comprehensive Planning, Smart Growth, Sustainable Communities, Growth Management, Community Planning, Visioning, 2020 or similar names. These programs were birthed out of the United Nations with sinister goals being implemented nation-wide intended to take our property rights and the freedoms that are associated.
The environmental movement was hijacked several decades ago by globalists with "saving the ecosystem" as their MO and catalyst for achieving their goal. Please share with your family, friends, local government officials, school board members, and the like as the vast majority have absolutely no idea the hidden motives. A spotlight needs to illuminate this UN initiative for global ...
Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center ( ) introduces Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates ( ) Mr. Shaw speaks on the UN cancer destroying the United States from within called Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. Whether called Sustainable Development, Comprehensive Planning, Smart Growth, Sustainable Communities, Growth Management, Community Planning, Visioning, 2020 or similar names. These programs were birthed out of the United Nations with sinister goals being implemented nation-wide intended to take our property rights and the freedoms that are associated.
The environmental movement was hijacked several decades ago by globalists with "saving the ecosystem" as their MO and catalyst for achieving their goal. Please share with your family, friends, local government officials, school board members, and the like as the vast majority have absolutely no idea the hidden motives. A spotlight needs to illuminate this UN initiative for global ...
American Contingency Alabama now has their own smartphone app which is 100% FREE to join. It will keep you updated with all the latest news, events, schedules and much more. Visit for more information.
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If you don't have a smartphone or would prefer to receive e-mail correspondence, please e-mail us at [email protected] with a request to be added manually.
Good morning AMCON Northeast Alabama!
I have converted the American Contingency Northeast Alabama Locals Community to a subscription community meaning that in order to see premium posts and post comments you must be a supporter, just like how the American Contingency and Fieldcraft Survival communities are set up. I've done this for a couple of reasons. First is to enable additional Admin functions that should make it easier to manage as we grow our community and second is to provide a means for people to contribute to the Area 2 fund. As you all know, running any kind of organization takes both time and money. Many people volunteer their time and we need a way for people to be able to chip in in other ways too.
I have set the default subscription to the minimum amount allowed, $2 a month. You can set your subscription amount to more if you want. All funds, minus fees imposed by, will be used to support expenses incurred by the American Contingency Northeast Alabama ...
1. INFORM: Provide unbiased, factual, relevant, & timely information.
2. EDUCATE: How to be prepared & self reliant for yourself, your family, & your community. Think for yourself. Improve skills.
3. MOBILIZE: Local QRF - Mutually supporting each other - Provide security.
1. VOTE: In ALL elections. Federal, State & Local.
2. PREPARE: Every Day Carry (EDC) (weapon and tourniquet) - Self Defense - First Aid - Sustainability - Share with friends and family.
3. NETWORK: Coordinate with friendly forces - Local community and within AMCON.