AMCON Northeast Alabama
Lifestyle • Politics • Spirituality/Belief
This is the coordination community for American Contingency Northeast Alabama which consists of the nine counties in northeast Alabama. Blount, Cherokee, Cullman, Dekalb, Etowah, Jackson, Madison, Marshall, and Morgan counties. American Contingency Northeast Alabama is a group of people networking to better prepare ourselves and our families to be self-reliant, civic-minded, responsible members of American society.
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September 29, 2020
Intelligence Gathering at Protests

Over the last few weeks, as protests and riots have continued, I decided to stop blindly accepting the media’s reporting and to get out and see what was actually going on at the rampant protests.

Let me start by saying that I don’t advocate everyone doing this…I’m a trained professional with over 20 years of investigations experience. I do want to share the interesting findings and make a few recommendations to everyone, though.

The narrative being presented was that these protests were not centrally organized and that they were grass-roots protests just springing up in response to social issues. My time inside the protests verified that this just isn’t true; they are very organized and are being planned by someone.

I began by gathering a list of local protests and making a schedule, attending the ones closest to home, to assess my local level of risk, and then branching out to other areas, and eventually even attending a very large one in Lansing, at the state Capitol. According to the event organizers, these were all protests by different groups….that’s important, later. Sources for finding local protests include Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Remember though, as Sam Culper at Forward Observer teaches, we should always farm social media for data, and never plant any data. Guard your information online.

The first one I attended was on the University of Michigan campus. The protest was rather large, about 1,500 people. What I found interesting was that the first speaker pointed out that “allies from RevCom/ANTIFA” were present, just to provide “logistical support” including medical and security teams. The local RevCom leader got up and explained how to find the medics (Large red or green crosses) and explained that security was “circulating among the crowd” for safety. That was an ominous statement, as I’ll point out later.

I began moving through the crowd and quickly spotted several security team members, obviously watching the crowd for anyone who wasn’t clapping or cheering along. It’s important to note that these protests require 100% ideological agreement or they will approach you and become confrontational, so I made sure I was chanting along. I noticed almost immediately that despite the man who said he was the RevCom leader, a young man named Ethan, that I would later have many interactions with, was actually in charge. He is a security team leader within the ANTIFA organization.

The biggest observation from the first protest was that despite the claims that they aren’t organized, they are highly organized by a central organization. Ethan and his security/medical team have been at every protest I’ve attended in Michigan, including one at the Capitol an hour away. They use the ubiquitous BaoFeng Handi-talkie radios to communicate.

Ethan himself most frequently wears Interceptor Body Armor and a Guy Fawkes mask, while dressing in black and red. When he is not personally actually leading the march, he wears the full face Guy Fawkes mask to try and prevent being identified.

Next, I attended a smaller protest that was scheduled in Canton Township, Michigan, a small Detroit suburb. I arrived an hour early, and lo & behold, Ethan and his crew were already in place. The protest met in a local grocery store lot and Ethan’s team was patrolling the lot, checking cars for people who appeared to be watching the protest.

Counter-Surveillance is a huge piece of the ANTIFA/RevCom program. They recorded license plate numbers of vehicles they deemed “suspicious”. At one point, when Ethan saw a man (not me) outside the protest taking photos, he tried to get the police to make the man leave. Imagine, protesting against the police, yet asking them to help you. The police told Ethan that Ethan and his group had no legal standing to ask anyone to leave, since they didn’t own the parking lot and were technically trespassing.

A few days later, I was attending a BLM protest in downtown Detroit. This one was different. The organizers, while they accepted the RevCom/ANTIFA medical assistance, refused the offer to assist with security and had their own provided by the local Masons club. Ethan was not to be stumped…despite their claims to refuse outside assistance to prevent “agitators”, I quickly found Ethan and his entire security team hidden among the crowd, still using radios, and conducting serious counter-surveillance, including snapping a few photos of me. Now, what they got were photos of a man wearing a ball cap, sunglasses, a face mask pulled up under my sunglasses, and a hoodie. I’m sure they were thrilled when they reviewed the photos and noticed that my middle finger was discreetly displayed in every photo they took. I quickly went around a corner and applied gray man tactics, switching my hoodie, ball cap, and face mask, and taking off the sunglasses. I tested it and they appeared to have no clue that I was the same person.

At all of these protests, I conducted map tracking using my BattleBoard Scout, a great tool. It’s essentially a notebook that also has a clear window that you can write on using dry-erase or wet-erase markers. I prefer wet-erase, so that the tracking isn’t accidentally taken off. I use it to document where incidents occur and where protest activity took place in order to have a more solid picture of the situation on the ground.

The next few protests were more of the same, with Ethan and his team following and intimidating anyone who didn’t appear to belong. They followed people to their vehicles and recorded license plate numbers. It’s important to note that they were very obvious about recording the numbers, in an attempt to intimidate anyone who might oppose their viewpoint.

At the Capitol protest, the game changed significantly. Ethan and his team met up with other RevCom/ANTIFA and BLM security teams from around the state and all were openly carrying arms, including long guns. Many of the ANTIFA people who showed up all in black were wearing helmets and soft armor, so they were ready for violence. They actively harassed and intimidated anyone they deemed as “Militia”. My point in mentioning that is that if you show up to track one of these protests dressed in your “tacti-cool” gear, they’ll make you and drive you off long before you get there. Blend in, go gray.

Another point about social media is to never broadcast live from inside a protest. They have people monitoring. Video podcaster and commentator Steven Crowder sent a team into CHAZ or CHOP for a live stream and they were quickly chased out.

Intelligence gathering is best done in secret and should remain secret.

I fell victim to their counter-surveillance again because the Militia folks had heightened their awareness with several attempts to enter the Capitol grounds, and apparently one of them observed me take a photo. They immediately began following me, including off the Capitol grounds to try and get my license plate, maybe even confront me, but since I had done a thorough map study and recon (again using my trusty BattleBoard Scout as a guide), I was able to lead them on a longer chase than they wanted to go on and they gave up. I was able to successfully change profile and re-enter the crowd.

It’s important to note that they had no authority to drive people off the Capitol grounds, but the State Police allowed them too, and never intervened when the BLM/ANTIFA crowd forced someone out.

When returning to my vehicle after each of these protests, I was very careful to conduct a Surveillance Detection Route (or SDR). This outwardly looks like a random walking pattern, allowing you to check and make sure that you aren’t being followed and to effectively shake or identify any followers.

So what are the lessons for patriots?

The protests are organized by a central organization.
They have trained and professional security teams.
They actively conduct counter-surveillance.
Park sufficiently far enough distance away to discourage anyone following, and walk in.
They are completely willing to use arms and force.
The presence of body armor indicates a willingness to use violence.
Blending in is far better than direct confrontation.
Have a fully stocked and ready first aid kit, such as a BearFAK.
Do I believe there will be a time when confrontation is needed? Absolutely.

However, let’s be smart and gather intelligence slowly and carefully first.

As a follow-up, after I observed one protest in Detroit, my friend Ethan came out of the shadows and made a Twitter post that the Detroit Police had tried to run him over, complete with video. I was there. They surrounded the police cars and began beating on them, trying to force the police to use deadly force or hit them with the cars. The entire situation was a set-up designed to produce a new incident to create more tension and protests.

Be prepared for many more of these protests as the election nears.

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September 21, 2020
Usurping The United States Constitution 8 of 8

Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center ( ) introduces Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates ( ) Mr. Shaw speaks on the UN cancer destroying the United States from within called Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. Whether called Sustainable Development, Comprehensive Planning, Smart Growth, Sustainable Communities, Growth Management, Community Planning, Visioning, 2020 or similar names. These programs were birthed out of the United Nations with sinister goals being implemented nation-wide intended to take our property rights and the freedoms that are associated.

The environmental movement was hijacked several decades ago by globalists with "saving the ecosystem" as their MO and catalyst for achieving their goal. Please share with your family, friends, local government officials, school board members, and the like as the vast majority have absolutely no idea the hidden motives. A spotlight needs to illuminate this UN initiative for global ...

September 21, 2020
Usurping The United States Constitution 7 of 8

Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center ( ) introduces Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates ( ) Mr. Shaw speaks on the UN cancer destroying the United States from within called Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. Whether called Sustainable Development, Comprehensive Planning, Smart Growth, Sustainable Communities, Growth Management, Community Planning, Visioning, 2020 or similar names. These programs were birthed out of the United Nations with sinister goals being implemented nation-wide intended to take our property rights and the freedoms that are associated.

The environmental movement was hijacked several decades ago by globalists with "saving the ecosystem" as their MO and catalyst for achieving their goal. Please share with your family, friends, local government officials, school board members, and the like as the vast majority have absolutely no idea the hidden motives. A spotlight needs to illuminate this UN initiative for global ...

September 21, 2020
Usurping The United States Constitution 6 of 8

Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center ( ) introduces Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates ( ) Mr. Shaw speaks on the UN cancer destroying the United States from within called Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. Whether called Sustainable Development, Comprehensive Planning, Smart Growth, Sustainable Communities, Growth Management, Community Planning, Visioning, 2020 or similar names. These programs were birthed out of the United Nations with sinister goals being implemented nation-wide intended to take our property rights and the freedoms that are associated.

The environmental movement was hijacked several decades ago by globalists with "saving the ecosystem" as their MO and catalyst for achieving their goal. Please share with your family, friends, local government officials, school board members, and the like as the vast majority have absolutely no idea the hidden motives. A spotlight needs to illuminate this UN initiative for global ...

AmConAL Smart Phone App

American Contingency Alabama now has their own smartphone app which is 100% FREE to join. It will keep you updated with all the latest news, events, schedules and much more. Visit for more information.

To get the full features of this app please go to the App Store or Google Play and download Team App onto your mobile device, then follow these simple steps:

1. Sign-up to Team App. You'll be sent an e-mail to activate your account.
2. Log-in and search for American Contingency Alabama, then request to become a member.

If you don't have a smartphone or would prefer to receive e-mail correspondence, please e-mail us at [email protected] with a request to be added manually.

November 02, 2020
Subscription Service (Use Coins)

Good morning AMCON Northeast Alabama!

I have converted the American Contingency Northeast Alabama Locals Community to a subscription community meaning that in order to see premium posts and post comments you must be a supporter, just like how the American Contingency and Fieldcraft Survival communities are set up. I've done this for a couple of reasons. First is to enable additional Admin functions that should make it easier to manage as we grow our community and second is to provide a means for people to contribute to the Area 2 fund. As you all know, running any kind of organization takes both time and money. Many people volunteer their time and we need a way for people to be able to chip in in other ways too.

I have set the default subscription to the minimum amount allowed, $2 a month. You can set your subscription amount to more if you want. All funds, minus fees imposed by, will be used to support expenses incurred by the American Contingency Northeast Alabama ...

September 29, 2020


1. INFORM: Provide unbiased, factual, relevant, & timely information.

2. EDUCATE: How to be prepared & self reliant for yourself, your family, & your community. Think for yourself. Improve skills.

3. MOBILIZE: Local QRF - Mutually supporting each other - Provide security.


1. VOTE: In ALL elections. Federal, State & Local.

2. PREPARE: Every Day Carry (EDC) (weapon and tourniquet) - Self Defense - First Aid - Sustainability - Share with friends and family.

3. NETWORK: Coordinate with friendly forces - Local community and within AMCON.

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